Monday, October 3, 2011

October Newsletter

Park West School Newsletter
Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:     Website:
 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson,  Mr. B. Melanson 
October 3, 2011

Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 

Introducing……..the PWS UPDATE:  This is the first regular edition of our new school newsletter, PWS UPDATE.  It will be published approximately every two weeks.  It will be the only item sent home from school printed on yellow paper. Printed copies will be sent home with the youngest student in each family.  It will be posted on the school website.  You may also wish to receive it electronically via e-mail.  We urge you to read each edition thoroughly and to keep past issues for reference.  Here at Park West we value good communication.  We are striving to keep you informed and involved. 

A Message from Ms. Chiasson (Vice Principal):  I am thrilled to be returning to Park West School. I was the music/art teacher here for 5 years before moving on to administration.  I have enjoyed spending time re-connecting with former students and parents/guardians. It is a privilege to be working with a dynamic admin team as well as a wonderful staff. Along with our school team, I look forward to working with you, parents, guardians, and community members in supporting, enriching the lives of each of our students. Together, we will learn and grow.

A Message from Mr. Melanson (Vice Principal):  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself through our school newsletter.  I am very excited to be part of Park West’s new Administrative Team.  I would like to thank everyone for the friendly welcome I have received from the Park West community. I have been teaching in Dartmouth at various Grade levels for the past 17 years.  I have been a Vice Principal for the past 6. I have taught many different age groups and subjects over the years and I consider myself fortunate to work in a job that provides me with the opportunities to meet and work with such a variety of people.  I live in Dartmouth with my three children, aged 12, 8 and 5. I am looking forward to a great year at Park West.  The school has already proven to be an interesting, exciting place to work and I am excited to be working towards contributing to the positive learning of our students with such a dedicated group of professionals and supportive community.

8:25:  that’s the time school starts in the morning.  Our students need to be here on time.  Too many of our students are arriving late for school in the morning.  Being late for school without a valid excuse is unacceptable here at Park West.  When students arrive late for school (either in the morning or after lunch) they are disrupting school and classroom routines, missing out on receiving classroom instruction and important information.  Arriving on time allows them the opportunity to prepare for learning (getting their materials organized, removing outdoor wear, going to lockers, etc.).  Entrance bells ring at 8:25 am and 12:50 pm.  Students should be on school grounds and ready to enter the building at those times.  We are striving to teach our students the value of time management, punctuality, respect for others, and good citizenship.  We are preparing them for life.  Our society values punctuality.  We need them to be here ON TIME…..and we need your help to make this happen.  Parents….PLEASE assist us! 

Seeking Nominations:  “The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a legally recognized body composed of the principal and representatives of teachers and support staff, students, parents, and community members who work together in an advisory capacity to increase the quality of education being provided by the school. The fundamental purpose of the school advisory council is to ensure that all students receive the best possible learning opportunities by engaging all partners in an ongoing process of problem solving and shared decision making.”  Our SAC has a vacant position for a PARENT MEMBER.  That individual must have a child presently attending Park West School.  The term is for three years.  The expectations include attending meetings once per month on a Wednesday evening at 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm.  Nominations for this position are now being accepted.  Nomination forms are available from the school office and are due back to the office on October 11. You may nominate yourself or someone else.  If more than one nomination is received there will be an election to fill the position.   The next meeting of the Park West SAC is October 19. 

Family Movie Night:  Our Junior High Student Leadership Corps is sponsoring a Family Movie Night here at Park West on Friday, October 14 for students in grades primary to six.   Doors open at 6 pm, and the movie starts at 6:30.  The cost is $2 per person or $5 for a family of four.  Popcorn, hot dogs, and water will be available for purchase.  The movie is Tangled.  Children in grades primary to two must be accompanied by an adult. 

School Spirit Day:  Our first monthly School Spirit Day is this Friday (October 7).  We are encouraging all students, staff, and visitors to our building, to dress in the theme of autumn for “Fall Day”.   Reds, browns, yellows, and oranges….pumpkins and harvest……coloured leaves are all prominent at this time of year.  The Park West Spirit Day Trophy will be awarded to the class with the greatest participation.  Let’s have some fun and show our school spirit! 

Safety First:  Our school administration team (principal and vice principals) is working with our partners (the Dept. of Education and Scotia Learning, the owners of our school building) to develop a new vehicular traffic safety policy for our school grounds.  In the meantime, for the safety of our students, we are asking that the current policy of “no vehicles on our school grounds” be respected.  Parents and students who walk on the grounds are expected to use the sidewalks and crosswalks.  Many walkers are creating unsafe conditions by crossing our driveway at unmarked places and walking through the parking lot amongst cars.   Let’s work together to make our school a safer place for all. 

A Safe School:  In an effort to keep our school safe and secure we continue to closely monitor individuals entering our building during school hours.  Anyone (that includes parents, other family members, maintenance workers, volunteers, and other visitors) entering our school during school hours MUST report to the office to register.  At this time you may be requested to register in our Visitors Sign-In Book and wear a “visitor” ID tag.   All permanent staff members at Park West now wear official HRSB photo ID tags.  Substitute teachers, volunteers, and visitors are provided with appropriate ID tags as well.   Any individuals found in our school without an ID tag and/or authorization may be questioned.   Other than normal student entry times, entry to the building is via the main doors only.  We appreciate your support and cooperation as we strive to maintain a welcoming yet safe and secure facility for our students and staff. 

Shalom:  On September 28 and 29 the Jewish community celebrated Rosh Hashanah.  Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, with the themes of peace, happiness, and future success.   Yom Kippur (known as the Day of Atonement) follows ten days from Rosh Hashanah and will be observed on October 8.  Yom Kippur is the most holy of days in the Jewish calendar.  Penitence, prayer and fasting are important components of this day.  An evening service (called Kol Nidre) is held and the fast is broken.  To all members of our Park West family who observe Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we extend to your our best wishes.

Parent Concern Protocol:
·         If you have a question or concern regarding your child, the channel of communication begins with your child’s teacher, or the teacher with whom you have the concern.   A teacher deserves the first opportunity to address your concerns.   Communication can be done via telephone or email, or make an appointment to meet in person.
·         If an issue cannot be resolved at this level, please contact the Principal or Vice Principal. 
·         Parent concerns related to school administration/operation issues should be addressed with the Principal or Vice Principal.  Mr. Carter, Ms. Chiasson and Mr. Melanson are very approachable and are happy to address your concerns.
·         Email, telephone calls (we have voicemail), and meetings by appointment work best for effective communication.
·         Minor discipline issues are handled by teachers. Major issues are addressed namely by our Vice Principals. 

Allergy Alert:  Park West is a nut and latex aware school.  We have many students and staff members who have life-threatening allergies.  Contact with nuts or latex could be fatal for them.   Also, we are a scent-free school.   Students and visitors should not wear scented products while in our school building (especially perfumes, colognes, and after-shaves). 

New Epi-Pen Policy:  The Halifax Regional School Board (HRSB) has a new policy for students requiring epinephrine auto injectors.  Students needing epi-pens must now carry the pen injectors on them at all times while at school. 

October is “Walk to School” Month:   The Active & Safe Routes to School (ASRTS) Committee at Park West School invites all students along with their parents, caregivers and families to participate in our Walk to School Events during October, and throughout the year. Walking to school promotes health, physical activity, concern for the environment and safe and walkable communities. This year, Park West joins schools in over 40 countries around the world as they celebrate walking to school during the month of October and throughout the year.  To promote the International Walk to School Month, We Often Walk (WOW) cards will be handed out in school. The theme of this months WOW card campaign is WE WALK WEEKLY. Students walk to school or at school, check off the boxes on their WOW card when they do (up to 3 times in any week), and hand the WOW card in at the end of the month for a prize draw.  Anyone interested in helping with Walk to School Month activities or other ASRTS events throughout the year are invited to join our committee. Current plans include a winter event and a spring walk/wheel event. If volunteers can be found, we also would love the start a Walking School Bus program at the school. For further information or to help with ASRTS and the promotion of walking to school, please contact Kelly Greenwood at 428-8391 or by email at

At Park West We’re Working On:   (1) Keeping our school grounds beautiful by teaching our students to put garbage in garbage cans.  (2)  Making our school safer by ensuring our students walk while inside the school…not run.  (3)  Reminding our students (and their parents) to use the sidewalks and crosswalks while walking on our grounds.  (4) Asking our students to not wear hats and ball caps in class.  (5) Reminding our junior high students to store cell phones and other electronic devices in their lockers or out-of-sight,

Dates to Remember:

School Bus Evacuation Drills for students (P – 9)

Thanksgiving (no school)

SAC Nominations due for parent position

Family Movie Night (grades P – 6)
6:30 pm
SAC meeting / PTA meeting
5:45pm /7 pm
Newcomers Meeting
7 pm
Provincial Conference Day (no school for students)

Happy Thanksgiving