Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26th School Newsletter

Park West School Newsletter
Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:     Website:
 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson,  Mr. B. Melanson 
October 26, 2011

Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 

8:25:  that’s the time school starts in the morning.  Our students need to be here on time.  Too many of our students are arriving late for school in the morning.  Being late for school without a valid excuse is unacceptable here at Park West.  When students arrive late for school (either in the morning or after lunch) they are disrupting school and classroom routines, missing out on receiving classroom instruction and important information.  Arriving on time allows them the opportunity to prepare for learning (getting their materials organized, removing outdoor wear, going to lockers, etc.).  Entrance bells ring at 8:25 am and 12:50 pm.  Students should be on school grounds and ready to enter the building at those times.  We are striving to teach our students the value of time management, punctuality, respect for others, and good citizenship.  We are preparing them for life.  Our society values punctuality.  We need them to be here ON TIME…..and we need your help to make this happen.  Parents….PLEASE assist us! 

Let’s Talk About Student Progress: Parents and Teachers will meet to discuss student progress on Wednesday, November 9 (12:50-3:50 pm and 6:00-8:00 pm).  Our students will be dismissed for the day on November 9 at 11:35 a.m..  There will be no classes for them in the afternoon.  Teachers, including specialists (French, music/band, resource, phys. ed., guidance, learning centre, ESL, etc.), will be available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress.  Elementary teachers will meet in their classrooms with parents by appointment.  Parents of elementary students will have the opportunity to request appointment times with their child’s teacher.  Junior High teachers will meet with parents in the gymnasium on a first-come/first-served basis.  Jr. High parents are encouraged to take advantage of the availability of afternoon meeting times when possible, as the evening tends to be busier.   To accommodate all parents most appointments will be for ten minutes each.  If more time is required to discuss your child’s progress then a longer appointment can be made for another time.  We look forward to seeing you.  More information (including appointment request forms) will be sent home next week. 

Dance Fever:  The Park West School PTA presents a Spooktacular Hallowe’en Family Dance on Thursday, October 27th (5:30 – 8 pm) in the school gym.  All families of grades primary to six students are invited.  All students MUST be accompanied by an adult.  The cost is $15 per family at the door.  There will be a 50/50 draw and lots of treats for sale. 

In Remembrance:  To commemorate Remembrance Day, to honour our Veterans, and to appreciate and celebrate peace in a meaningful way, Park West will be hosting a Remembrance Assembly on Thursday, November 10, 10:30 am.  The assembly will feature special music, student participation, our school band, and a special time to remember those who have sacrificed for us.   Parents and community members are invited to this special event.  We are encouraging those who are veterans, in the military, members of police forces, members of Girl Guides of Canada and Boy Scouts of Canada, or others who wear an official uniform to wear them if attending.  All students are requested to wear Red and Black on that day.  The Royal Canadian Legion has provided us with poppies for this occasion.  Students are invited to buy a poppy at the office by making a small monetary donation. 

Newcomers Meeting:  One of the most unique and enviable features of Park West School is our diversity.    We are proud of this.  Families from all over the world, from many different countries, have chosen to make their homes here in our community.   We want all students, and their families, regardless of their origins, to feel at home here at Park West.  Our vision is to be a school that is inclusive, safe, accommodating, and welcoming.  We are working hard to nurture a culture of acceptance.  To ensure this continues in a collaborative manner Mr. Carter, Ms. Chiasson and Mr. Attya (our YMCA Newcomers Support Worker) would like to invite those parents in our community who may be ‘newcomers’ to Canada, or who may have origins in another country, or anyone who wishes to attend, to a meeting tonight (October 26),at 7:00 pm in the school library.  We encourage all interested members of our school community to attend this very important meeting and participate in the dialogue as we review our efforts and progress in becoming a truly inclusive multicultural school.  It will also be a time for school administration to receive suggestions from you as we plan for the future.   We want to move forward in a positive and meaningful way….and we want you to be part of it. 

Concert at Park West:   Popular entertainer and inspirational speaker Terry Kelly will be here at Park West to present his “We Can Do Anything” show to all students (grades P – 9) in the gym on Tuesday, November 8, 1 – 2 pm. The cost of this performance is being covered by student fees. “We Can Do Anything” is directed at leaving Terry’s audience with an increased awareness of the importance of self-esteem and a renewed sense of pride. “We Can Do Anything” is about individual triumphs, overcoming real or imagined disabilities, sharing, caring and love. Through stories, songs and open communication between performer and student, Terry Kelly proves that a belief in oneself is the key that will open doors to a rewarding and successful future.  Students become involved with Terry’s high energy and positive message. Original songs like “Mama Likes to Rock n’ Roll”, “We Can Do Anything” and “The Lucky One”, captivate the listener’s attention. Terry’s down-to-earth approach and genuine interest shine throughout the presentation.  Described by one student as “Totally Awesome”, Terry Kelly grabs the attention from the first moment to the last song.  “We Can Do Anything” is a show full of hope and optimism, both enjoyable and inspiring.  Parents are invited to attend this special concert with us. 

Happy Diwali:  Today (October 26) some members of our school community are celebrating Diwali (which means “row of lights”).  Diwali is a five day festival and is considered to be the Hindu New Year.  The festival celebrations begin with a cleansing of homes and people, and new clothes are put on.  Many Hindus now send Diwali cards, similar to ones with good wishes sent at Christmas time.  Happy Diwali!  (taken from Celebrate! The History and Folklore of Holidays in Nova Scotia, by Clary Croft).

Come to the Fair!  It’s time for the fall Scholastic Book Fair at Park West School!  The book fair will run from Tuesday, November 8th through Thursday, November 10th, during regular school hours (until 3:30 daily). For your convenience, it will also be open during parent teacher interviews on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, November 9.  The Scholastic Book Fairs are our most important library fundraiser of the year. Because of your support, we are able to put quality books on our library shelves. Customers will be able to pay with cash, credit card, debit card and cheque. If a parent/guardian is interested in helping with the book fair please contact Ms. Comeau at 457-7800 ext. 5271039 or email Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Grade 9 Trip Meeting:  There will be an information meeting on Wednesday, November 16 at 8:00 pm for all grade 9 students (and their parents) who wish to participate in the spring trip to Quebec City.  This is the next step in the trip planning process.   It is essential for parents to attend this important meeting if they wish for their son/daughter to participate in this travel opportunity.  Interested grade nine students should attend with their parents.  There will be an opportunity for interested parents to establish and join a fundraising committee.  We are looking for a parent to chair this committee. If you are interested in being the chair of this committee please contact Mr. Carter (our principal and trip organizer). 

Mark Your Calendar:  Start planning ahead for December and the Christmas season at Park West.  Our Christmas Music Concert, featuring our band, strings, and choir, will be held on November 30 (6:30 – 7:30).  Our elementary Christmas Concerts, featuring all students in grades primary to six, will be held on December 6 and 7 (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm).  Our elementary Christmas concerts will feature music celebrating the Christmas season, as well as other December holidays, such at Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Eid.  We are encouraging ALL STUDENTS to participate in this special event.  Our hope is to have the entire Park West School community celebrate together regardless of your faith or family traditions.  At Park West we are nurturing a “culture of acceptance”.  Let’s celebrate together!  More information will be available soon. 

Walk to School - Safety Tips:  The Active & Safe Routes to School (ASRTS) Committee at Park West School hopes that all students along with their parents, caregivers and families are participating in our Walk to School Events during October, and will continue to participate throughout the year. Walking to school promotes health, physical activity, concern for the environment and safe and walkable communities.   Remind students to keep track of some of their walking on their We Often Walk (WOW) cards: Students walk to school or at school, check off the boxes on their WOW card when they do (up to 3 times in any week), and hand the WOW card in at the end of the month for a prize draw.  When walking to school, keep the safety tips below in mind:
- always follow the traffic rules - children learn by example
- teach children the meaning of traffic signs
- choose a route to school and practice it with your child(ren) before your child(ren) travel it on their own
- use crosswalks, or cross at a corner
- never cross between parked cars
- make eye contact with drivers
- walk bikes, skateboards and scooters across the crosswalk
A reminder, if volunteers can be found, we also would love the start a Walking School Bus program at the school. For further information or to help with ASRTS and the promotion of walking to school, please contact Kelly Greenwood at 428-8391 or by email at

For Sale:  The school is selling a surplus furniture and equipment. 
- one GE Spacesaver stackable washer and dryer.  The washer requires a new pump.  Sold as is.  Asking price:  $100.
- Several sturdy commercial quality L – shaped office desks.  Asking price:  $75 each. 
All funds from the sale of these items will stay in our school to support teaching and learning.  Contact Mr. Carter ( if you are interested. 

At Park West We’re Working On:   (1) getting our students here on time – school starts at 8:25 am; (2) getting our students and their parents to use the crosswalks and sidewalks on our school grounds; (3) ensuring our elementary students walk, not run, in the hallways; (4) encouraging students who eat lunch in the cafeteria to clean up after themselves (not leaving garbage on their tables and on the floor); (4) encouraging students to dress appropriately for the weather – it’s starting to get cold; (5) getting students to not litter on our school grounds; (6) encouraging our students to show pride and respect by stopping and standing at attention during the playing of our national anthem every morning; (6) reviewing school supply lists at all grade levels for the 2012-2013 school year; (7) reviewing the use of agendas at all grade levels for next year; (8) decreasing the number of fundraising initiatives at our school to lessen the burden on families; (9) improving our fire drill routine to ensure the safety of our students in the event of an emergency; (10) improving student achievement in mathematics and literacy (reading and writing) through the goals in our School Improvement Plan. 

Dates to Remember:

Newcomers Meeting
7 pm
Provincial Conference Day (no school for students)

Spooky Day at Park West:  students are invited to wear Hallowe’en costumes to school in the AFTERNOON ONLY.  No weapons please. 

 Junior High Dance ($6 admission)
6:30 – 8:30
PTA Treat Day – popcorn for sale for $1

Terry Kelly Concert
1:00 pm
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Remembrance Ceremony
10:30 am

Happy Hallowe’en                                              Happy Diwali