Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013 Newsletter


Park West School Newsletter

Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:     Website:

 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson     Mr. B. Melanson 


May 6, 2013


Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 


Safe Arrival Needs Your Help   Due to the lack of volunteers and demands on our office support staff our Safe Arrival program has not been fully operational.  We want to change that.  We feel this program is valuable, and helps to ensure the safety and security of our students.  With a fully operational program, supported by parent volunteers, it means that  each morning, a group of office staff and parent volunteers will work together to account for the safe arrival of all elementary students at Park West.  They will collect attendance from classes, write late slips and process voicemail messages from the Safe Arrival Absence line. There is one step in this process that we are unable to complete satisfactorily without volunteer help; that is ensure that every single student is accounted for each morning. We need the help of parent volunteers for just one hour each morning to help call parents or guardians if we do not know why a student has not shown up at school. Sometimes it can be something innocent like a parent forgot to call our Safe Arrival line to report the absence. Our fear is there will be a time when a student leaves home but doesn't make it to school for some unknown reason.  That is where Safe Arrival can be a valuable service. We can respond quickly and decisively if there is a problem.  That is a comfort we would all wish to have. Can you help us with this? We need just one volunteer each morning for about one hour beginning at 8:45 a.m. If you are interested in helping or would like more information please contact Ms. Brenda Hayes, one of our school secretaries, at 457-7800 or  We want to get this program fully operational as soon as possible. We can only do this with the help of parent volunteers. 


Tired of making sandwiches?  The Park West School cafeteria serves a variety of hot tasty healthy meals for our students to purchase at lunchtime. Daily specials include:  grilled cheese and tomato soup; beef & macaroni bake; baked chicken with rice and veggies; meatloaf with mashed potatoes; sloppy joes; roast beef dinner; sweet & sour chicken balls with rice and egg roll; chicken cacciatore; lasagna; mini hamburgers and taters; chicken fajitas; meatballs with rice; baked ham and scallop potatoes; shepherd’s pie; and chicken fingers.  Lots of other choices are available.  Hot lunch specials are from $3.75 to $4.50.  Other cafeteria offerings include:  cheese pizza ($3.50); garlic fingers with donair sauce ($3); nachos and dip ($3); hamburgers ($2.25); cheeseburgers ($2.75); chicken burgers ($2.75); veggies trays ($2.25); fruit cups ($1.25); and chicken ceasar wraps ($3.75).  An assortment of freshly made sandwiches are available (egg salad, chicken salad, ham & cheese, and tuna salad) for only $3.25, and salads (garden or ceasar) for $3.35.   Hot homemade soups will be served daily for only $3.25.  Drinks include:  bottled water ($1.25); 100% pure fruit juice (.55/$1.50); milk (.35); and chocolate milk ($1.25).  A variety of snacks for sale include:  baked chips ($1.50); Crispers ($1.50); Rice Krispie squares (.60); and cookies (.60).  The cafeteria opens at 8 am for pre-ordering and for breakfast.  Toast, bagels, and bacon/ham/cheese on toast are available for those who didn’t get to eat at home.  Two copies of the menu are sent home to all students in grades primary to three every month; one to keep and one to use as an order form.  Menus are also available on our school website.   To request a menu, place an order, or if you have any questions please contact our cafeteria operator, Jane Scrymgeour, at 440-7352 between 8 am and 12:45 daily. 


Strike Up the Band:  Congratulations to the Grade 6/7 Band for their excellent performance at the Kiwanis Festival in April. They were awarded a Gold Standard of Performance. Well Done!  The Grade 8/9 Band recently went on a trip to PEI to visit and perform with the Englewood School Band. While there they also performed in a festival and enjoyed some of the local sights and activities. 


“I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing”:  Our school choir, under the direction of music teacher Ms. Servant, recently participated in the Kiwanis Music Festival.  They received a bronze medal for participation.  They also received some positive feedback from the judge, as well as some suggestions to improve their singing.  The singers did a great job and enjoyed the experience.  Thanks to Ms. Servant for providing them with this valuable opportunity.


Upcoming Park West Music Events:

  • On May 22 (1:15 pm) the grades primary to three classes will present a musical revue titled “The Best Pet Show Ever”, and the choir will present “We Only Have One Planet”.  This show will take place in the gym.  Parents and family members are welcome to attend. 
  • On May 29 (6:30 pm) our annual Spring Fine Arts Concert will be presented in the gym featuring our students in the choir, band, and string ensembles.  Parents, family members and friends are invited to come out to enjoy the talents of Park West students. 


Grade 9 News:

·          Grade 9 Trip - 42 grade 9 students and 5 teacher chaperones, under the leadership of our principal Mr. Carter, will be visiting Montreal on June 1 – 5.  Regular programming will be provided at school for those grade 9 students not going on the trip.  

·          Exams - Grade 9 exams will be held on June 19 (English Language Arts and Science) and June 20 (Math and Social Studies).  Start studying soon. 

·          Farewell Grade 9’s - The Halifax Regional School Board strongly discourages graduation ceremonies and proms at the junior high level.  Most junior high schools do not conduct graduation ceremonies or formal proms.  Those events are reserved for high schools. At the end of this school year our grade nine students will be leaving us for high school.  At Park West we will be marking this milestone in a meaningful and celebratory way.  A “Grade 9 Farewell Celebration” is being planned for our departing students on the evening of June 24th.  Students will meet at the school and be transported downtown for dinner and a boat cruise.  Tickets will go on sale soon.  This event is only open to grade nine students attending Park West School.    A “Grade 9 Farewell Closing Ceremony” will be held on June 26, 2:00 – 3:00pm, at the school.  Students and their families are invited to this informal event.  A reception will follow in the school library.   These events are supported with funds from student fees and our PTA. 


Checkmate:  Jerjis Kapra, a grade 2 student in Ms. Lucas’ class, won the recent Provincial Chess Challenge. He will be representing Nova Scotia at the Grade 2 level at the National Canadian Chess Challenge in Ottawa, held during the last weekend in May.  Here is a link to the results:


Grade 9 Montreal Trip:   An information meeting for student participants and their parents, with all the final details, will be held on May 15 at 8 pm.  Completed “Participant Information” and “Behaviour Compliance” forms are due back to Mr. Mrezar as soon as possible.  Please contact Mr. Carter if you have any questions or concerns. 


Some important dates for the 2013-2014 school year:

·          Late Registration (August 27)

·          Labour Day (September 2)

·          First Day of School (September 4)

·          PD Days – school closed (Sept. 30, Oct. 25, Nov. 8, Feb. 14, May 16)

·          Thanksgiving Day (October 14)

·          Remembrance Day (November 11)

·          Assessment & Evaluation Day – school closed (Nov. 29, March 21, June 27)

·          Christmas Vacation (December 21 to January 5 inclusive)

·          March Break (March 10 to March 14 inclusive)

·          Good Friday (April 18)

·          Easter Monday (April 21)

·          Victoria Day (May 19)

·          Last Day of School (June 30)


Parent Concern Protocol:

·          If you have a question or concern regarding your child, the channel of communication begins with your child’s teacher, or the teacher with whom you have the concern.   A teacher deserves the first opportunity to address your concerns.   Communication can be done via telephone or email, or make an appointment to meet in person.

·          If an issue cannot be resolved at this level, please contact one of our Vice Principals, or the Principal.  

·          Parent concerns related to school administration/operation issues should be addressed with the Principal or Vice Principal.  Mr. Carter (Principal), Ms. Chiasson (VP) and Mr. Melanson (VP) are very approachable and would be happy to address your concerns.

·          Matters of discipline are usually addressed by our Vice Principals.


Staying for Lunch Next Year?  In accordance with the Education Act of the Province of Nova Scotia all students may remain at school for lunch without fees.  However, all students who wish to remain at school over the lunch period must be registered for the lunch supervision program.  Once registered it is essential that student participation remain consistent with the registration information provided by parents.  We will strive to meet the HRSB supervision ratios of 1 monitor for every 25 students (elementary), and 1 monitor for every 100 students (junior high).   Ratios at the elementary level may exceed the recommended ratio if monitors are unavailable and the supervision space allows for additional students to be accommodated safely.  Lunch supervision will be provided by monitors, not teachers.  Once the cafeteria seating reaches capacity students may have to eat their lunches in classrooms.  Students may bring lunches from home or purchase from the cafeteria.   Full cafeteria service will be available to all students with sandwiches, soups, salads, drinks, snacks, and hot lunch choices for purchase.  Menus and order information will be provided in early September.  Students must register for the lunch program for next year (2013-14) if they wish to participate.  Registration forms will be sent home with all students (grades primary – 8) on May 13.  Completed forms are due back to teachers on May 16. 


New Primary Parents:  A meeting for parents of students entering grade primary in September 2013 will be held on May 22 at 6:30 pm in the cafetorium.  New grade primary students may participate in a Vision Screening here at the school on May 28 (by appointment) and in an in-class orientation session on that same date (2:45 – 4:15 pm).   More detailed information for parents will be mailed home soon.  If your child lives within our school boundaries and will be five years old on or before December 31, 2013, then he/she is eligible to attend grade primary at Park West School next year.  Please make sure you register at our school office as soon as possible. 


Dates to Remember:

May 8
Junior High Dance -  $5.00    *students must be present at school that day to attend the dance that night
6:30 – 8:30 pm
May 14
“Parents as Career Coaches”  - workshop for junior high parents
6:30 – 9 pm
May 15
SAC / PTA Meetings
5:45 / 7:00 pm
May 15
Grade 9 Trip Meeting
8:00 pm
May 16
PTA Family Dance
5:30 – 8:00 pm
May 17
May 22
Primary Parent Information Meeting
6:30 pm
May 22
Spring Concert (grades P – 3 and choir)
1:15 pm
May 28
Primary Orientation (for new primary students)
2:45-4:15 pm
May 29
Spring Fine Arts Concert (choir, band, strings)
6:30 pm
May 30
School Assembly
1:00 pm
May 31
School Spirit “Decades Day” – students, staff and visitors are invited to dress for school in clothes from a decade of the past……50s, 60s, 80s….