Monday, February 27, 2012

New Acting Principal


Friday, February 24th

Today is my last day as acting-principal at Park West School. Mr. Carter, Principal, Park West School will continue to be on leave.

 On Monday, the new acting-principal, Mr. Forsyth, will begin at the school. Mr. Forsyth is an experienced principal with the Halifax Regional School Board. As recently as last year he was principal of Astral Drive Junior High School in Cole Harbour.

I enjoyed my time at Park West and I would like to thank students, parents and staff for welcoming me into your school community.

Tim Schaus
Park West School

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Traffic Notice

Notice to Parents
February 16, 2012

            The police visited the school this morning. The police received information from the Halifax Fire Service that the Park West School driveway is a designated fire lane with No Parking signs. The police indicated that they will be ticketing cars that are parked in designated fire lanes or stopped in No Stopping Zones that are signed.

Below is a notice from the Halifax Regional Police explaining No Parking and No Stopping Zones.

Parking Concerns
Affect Children’s Safety

In order to protect our children as they go to and from Park West School,
Halifax Regional Police is issuing a reminder about traffic safety.

No Stopping/No Parking Zones
A number of no stopping and no parking signs are in place in the area directly in front of the school.

Do not stop your vehicle in this area, even if dropping off or picking up little ones even for a moment, unless to stop for the crossing guard or to avoid an accident.

Do not park your vehicle in this area, even if your vehicle is occupied. You may stop your vehicle in this area briefly to load/unload passengers, but please ensure your vehicle is pulled off the road completely and is not blocking the roadway.

Unfortunately, not everyone is complying with this signage. As a result, our children’s safety is comprised and their lives are put in danger. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, the fine for stopping or parking where prohibited by sign is $58.62 for the first offence and increases with subsequent offences.

Halifax Regional Police will be monitoring the area and conducting enforcement in relation to these traffic safety concerns. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring our children’s safety.

For further information contact:
Constable Melanie Ross
School Response Officer
Halifax Regional Police

Halifax Regional Police
Leading and Partnering in our Community to Serve and Protect

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 2012 Newsletter

Park West School Newsletter
Phone:  (902) 457-7800     E-mail:     Website:
Acting Principal:  T. Schaus        Vice Principal:  M. Chiasson    Vice Principal:  B. Melanson   

February 3, 2012

Park west students walk to school:

A healthy way for our students to start their school day is to walk to school. Even if it is your habit to drive your child to the school, the walk up and down the hill from the street to the building each day is of benefit for our students.

Some parents may have concerns about dropping their young child off at the bottom of the hill and the walk up to the school building. Our Park West Student Leadership Group will be helping to lessen this concern. On a trial basis for each morning during the next three weeks of February, two of our junior high student leaders will be on the sidewalks from the base of the hill up to the school, watching our young students as they walk up the hill.

Parents have been requested not to drive on the driveway during peak times when students are coming to school and leaving from school. I’d like to thank those parents who are honouring this request. I’d ask all parents to please support our student leaders’ initiative to encourage students to walk to school and to keep our driveway traffic to a minimum during these peak times.


Primary registration will take place from Feb. 1st to March 1st, 2012. Primary students living within the Park West School boundaries will register for both English and early French Immersion programs at Park West School. Your child must be 5 yrs old on or before December 31, 2012. Parents must present your child’s birth certificate, proof of residence, health card number and expiry date at the time of registration.

French Immersion Primary program: 

Primary students living within the Park West School boundaries are eligible to attend the Primary French Immersion program at Rockingham School. These students register at Park West in February. The registration information is passed along to Rockingham School in March/April.

There will be an information session for parents of Primary French Immersion students. This will be held at Rockingham School on February 9th at 7 pm. Parents will receive information about the French Immersion Program and have questions answered.  Park West School does not offer French Immersion programs.


On behalf of the Park West School Active and Safe Routes to School Committee, you are invited to join the students of Park West School, along with their families and community members, as we kick off our Take the Roof off Winter Events with a Winter Walk to School on Wednesday morning, February 22, 2012.

Our Walk will begin at 8:10 am at Veterans Memorial Park at the corner of Langbrae and Parkland.  After gathering there, we will walk as a group up Langbrae to Park West School in time for the 8:25 am admission bell.

As you may know, the 2011-2012 Academic year is the fifth year in a row that Park West has been actively (pun intended) promoting walking to school and getting to school through other means of active transportation.  We continue to promote variations of our WOW (we often walk) card campaign.  The WOW card campaign makes it a very easy sell to students of the school and has been successful in retaining a high level of interest in walking, wheeling and other active transportation means to get to school. 

The Active and Safe Routes to School Committee plans to continue to promote walking, wheeling and other active transportation routes to school through other activities throughout this school year and beyond, to seek year-round maintenance and to ensure accessibility from all areas around the school.  We hope we will have your support for these ongoing efforts, and that you will join us for our kick off walk.


Spencer Bouchard, a Grade 9 student at Park West, entered the National Eco Art Contest sponsored by the National Capital Commission in Ottawa. Spencer was one of the winners of this photo contest. A winning photograph he submitted was enlarged to over 2 meters and is presently being displayed on the Rideau Canal Skateway in Ottawa. Congratulation, Spencer!


The 2012 Pennies and Coins for Books Campaign will take place during the month of February. The money raised by each class will go toward buying books for our school library.  Tattletales, the book store who is running the event, will add a percentage of what the store raises to the amount the school ends up raising.   The two classes that raise the most money will win a prize.

News from the Phys-Ed Dept:

Parents and students are reminded that indoor sneakers are required to participate safely in the Physical Education program in the gym. Winter boots are not safe footwear for Phys-Ed class.

Both our boys and girls basketball teams continue to have successful and competitive seasons. For a schedule of games, please see the physical education website, linked from the Park West homepage.

Our next school sport will be Badminton, with tryouts beginning mid-February and tournaments taking place at the end of March. Students in grades 7-9 are welcome to tryout. Please see the website and listen to announcements for tryout times.

Please check the school website for schedules:

News from the Music Dept:

Rehearsals are going strong for this year's production of Broadway Jr.'s Annie. Don't forget to mark your calendars for May 8, 9, and 10 for the performances. Students in the Choir will also be performing and are very excited to be learning the music.

Dates to Remember:

Grade 9 Parent Information Meeting @ Halifax West 7pm
Grade 7 Immunization Clinic
Jr. High Ski Trip (after school)
SAC  5:45   PTA 7:00
Family Bingo Night 6:30-8:30 Doors open @ 6pm
PD Day - No classes for students
Walk to School Day
Jr. High Ski Trip (after school)
March 1
Grade 9 Junior High Language Assessments
March Break