Sunday, December 9, 2012

December Newsletter


Park West School Newsletter

Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:     Website:

 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson     Mr. B. Melanson 


December 7, 2012


Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 


HAPPY HANUKKAH:  Hanukkah, translated as “dedication”, is an eight-day celebration in the Jewish community which begins on the twenty-fifth day of the Jewish month of Kislev (November/December).  This year Hanukkah begins at sundown on December 8.   The celebration continues through to nightfall on December 16.  It recalls an event which took place in 165 BC (in the Gregorian calendar) when the Maccabees triumphed over the Greek forces of Antiocus IV.  The celebration is also known as the Festival of Lights.  When the Jews entered the temple they found only enough oil to light the lamps to last one day; but the oil miraculously continued burning for eight days!  To celebrate each family lights an eight-candle holder called a menorah.  One candle is lighted on each of the eight days.  Traditional foods include potato pancakes called latkes and children play a game with a dreydl (a four-sided top).  (taken from Celebrate! by Clary Croft).   Happy Hanukkah to those in our Park West family who will be celebrating this special holiday. 


Let’s Feed Nova Scotia:  To help us celebrate Hanukkah at Park West School we are asking all students and their families to donate household light bulbs (Festival of Lights), a bag of potatoes (latkes), and/or a bottle of cooking oil (oil in the lamps) to Feed Nova Scotia.  All donations will be accepted at the school until  Monday, December 17.  Let’s show Metro Halifax the Park West School community cares and shares. 


Christmas Concerts:  Our elementary Christmas concerts will be held on December 11 and 12, with a storm date of December 13.  Lord’s-a-leaping?  Swans-a-swimming?  Join our students as they celebrate the season kid-style in this delightful musical revue.  The Twelve Days of Christmas highlights a special treat for each day of the holiday season.  From decorating the tree and faxing a letter to Santa, to caroling and going on a sleighride, there’s something for everyone in this dazzling 45 minute spectacular.  Included in the revue will be musical celebrations of Eid and Hanukkah. We want ALL students and their parents in the Park West Family to participate in this special community event.  Let’s all celebrate our special holidays TOGETHER, regardless of our beliefs and cultural background.  The performance schedule for classes is as follows:


Tuesday, December 11  (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm)
Grades:  primary, two, four, six
*grade 6 students are expected to be committed and participate in both concerts on this date. 
Wednesday, December 12  (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm)
Grades:  one, three, five


Afternoon concerts (1:15 pm) will be general seating on a “first-come” basis (no tickets are required for admittance) for anyone who wishes to attend.  This is a great opportunity to family members (such as grandparents) and friends to see the concerts.  Performing students will each be issued two tickets only for the evening concerts (6:30 pm).  This is necessary to accommodate all parents who wish to see their children perform with their classes. We are working hard to accommodate as many family, friends and community members in our audiences as possible with limited seating capacity in our gymnasium.   Please understand that we must adhere to very strict regulations imposed upon us by the Fire Marshal.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to accommodate and be fair to all.  Unfortunately extra tickets will not be available from the school.  There will be no waiting list this year.  If you would like an extra ticket perhaps a neighbour or friend might kindly pass along an unused one to you.  Tickets have been issued to elementary students (2 each) performing in the concerts.  Out of respect for all performers we request audience members to remain for the length of the entire concert (only about one hour). Babysitting services are not provided by the school.   If you wish to bring children to the evening performances tickets will be required for their admission and children will be expected to remain in their seats with parents.  Children will not be permitted to sit on the floor at the front of the stage.  Parking on the school grounds for evening performances will be limited.  Visitor parking is available on the side of the building adjacent to the path.  Doors will not open for audience members and performing students until 6:00 pm for evening performances.  A free-will collection will be accepted at the door to assist us with concert expenses and support our school’s music program.  See you there!


We Need Important Information from You:  By now all students should have returned to their teachers:  (1) updated registration forms;  (2) Closure of Schools/Early Dismissal forms. 


And…something else:  Self-identification is important to our school system and to our students. It is essential to know who our students are and which communities we serve. It will help us to understand how our demographics are changing and how best to support our students and schools. We are encouraging all parents and students to identify their Ancestry and Aboriginal Identity.  This week all Park West parents/guardians should have received self-identification forms and a letter from our Acting Superintendent (Judy White).  Please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher at your earliest convenience.   Thank you for helping us gather this valuable information. 


HAPPY KWANZAA:  Kwanzaa is a relatively new holiday. It was founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga with the hope of educating his people about the African-American struggles and their rich cultural heritage.  The holiday lasts for seven days beginning on December 26.  It binds the African harvest customs and the social history of African North Americans.  The word Kwanzaa is derived from the East African Swahili phrase “Mantunde ya kwanza” which means “the first fruits.”  The second “a” was added to give the word seven letters which corresponds to the seven symbols, the seven principles and the seven days of Kwanzaa.  For this celebration, families and friends gather at meal time.  The unity cup is passed from person to person with each one saying something positive about the African-American (or Canadian) community.  Next, the candles of the kinara are lit and the principles are recited.  Everyone talks and dances as the family joins together to rejoice in their heritage.  The celebration is organized around five fundamental activities:  ingathering of the people, a special reverence for the Creator and creations, commemoration of the past, re-commitment to one’s highest ideals, and celebration of the good around and within each other. 


O Christmas Tree: The Christmas tree in our school lobby is bare!!!  Every student at Park West School, regardless of his/her faith, is invited to help decorate it.  Each student may bring from home one ornament (labelled with the student’s name and class, so it can be returned after Christmas) to place on our school Christmas tree. Your ornament can be homemade, have special meaning for you and your family, be a favourite, or represent your culture or heritage.  Beginning on Monday, December 10, students will be invited to the lobby sometime during the day to help trim the tree.  If all students participate, by the time we’re finished the tree should have over 800 ornaments on it!  Drop by to see it when you visit the school during the Christmas season. 


Gobble Gobble:  A traditional Christmas turkey dinner will be available for all students registered in our lunch program to purchase from our cafeteria on Wednesday, December 12 at lunch time.  Dinner includes:  slow roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, homemade stuffing, seasonal vegetables, gravy, and dessert.  Price:  $8.00   This special turkey dinner must be ordered in advance from the cafeteria.   Students who usually go home for lunch can order a turkey dinner for take-out.  Contact our cafeteria manager , Jane Scrymgeour, in person or via telephone (440-7352) between 8 am and 12:45 pm daily to place an order.  


Grade 9 Entrepreneur Fair:  As part of their Social Studies program our grade nine students have been working hard on projects with the goal of becoming successful entrepreneurs.  With a start-up investment of $25, students have developed products to sell with the objective of making a profit.  Some students have chosen to use any profits to help offset the expenses of their Grade Nine Trip to Montreal.  On December 18 (10:30 am – 3:00 pm) come visit the Grade 9 Entrepreneur Fair in our gymnasium to see learning in action and make some purchases to support our student endeavours.  Products for sale will include Christmas ornaments, jewelry, games, fashion accessories, art, and various food items.  Prices will range from 25 cents to $2.00.  All grades primary to eight classes will have the opportunity to visit the fair to make purchases.    


 A Park West Christmas:   Thursday, December 20th  has been declared Red and Green Day here at Park West School.  Students, staff and visitors to our school are encouraged to wear red and green clothing to celebrate the season.   Anyone with reindeer antlers, Santa hats, etc. may wish to wear them to school that day. 


Dates to Remember:

December 10
Junior High Student Forum
December 11 & 12
Christmas Concerts (grades P – 6)
1:15 pm and 6:30 pm 
December 13
Concert storm day
December 13
Term 1 Report Cards sent home with students
December 18
Grade 9 Entrepreneur Fair  for grades P – 8
10:30 – 3:00 pm
December 20
“Red & Green”                          *Last day of school before Christmas holidays
January 3
Back to School      - please be on time
8:25 am




Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Parent Info of Grade 9 students


Thursday January 24th

Parent Information Evening at Halifax West for Grade 9 Parents
Time to be announced.

Bella Rose Theatre

Friday, November 23, 2012

IWK "Positive Psychology for Kids and Teens"

Though part of our roles as parents, educators, and health care professionals is to hlep children, youth, and families overcome their problems, in reality, most problems are best overcome by building skills, stregnths, values and virtues and most of all strong relationships. You are invited to join Dr. Vicky Wolfe, IWK Psychology Pratcie Chief for a free community information session titled: Positive Psychology for Kids, Teens: Building Blocks for Happiniess and Resilience, and Positive Well Being. All are welcome to attend.
Monday December 3, 2012   7:00-8:30 pm.
Parker Reception Room - Main floor

Monday, November 19, 2012

International Pot Luck Nov 29th

Hello Park West Parents

On Nov 29 there will be an International Potluck at Park West School. Each year it is an evening filled with great food and this year our entertainment will be the Greek school dancers, a Chinese Lion dance and a Dabke dance. I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to help set up for the dinner and serve food on the night from 5:30 till 6:30 pm. Clean up volunteers are also needed. Please feel free to contact me at or 443-1942. Looking forward to an awesome night of food and fun!!!! Thanks

Lynn Anderson

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov. 15th Newsletter


Park West School Newsletter

Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:     Website:

 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson     Mr. B. Melanson 


November 15, 2012


Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 


8:25:  that’s the time school starts in the morning.  Our students need to be here on time. When students arrive late for school (either in the morning or after lunch) they are disrupting school and classroom routines, missing out on receiving classroom instruction and important information.  Arriving on time allows them the opportunity to prepare for learning (getting their materials organized, removing outdoor wear, going to lockers, etc.).  Entrance bells ring at 8:25 am and 12:50 pm.  Students should be on school grounds and ready to enter the building at those times.  We are striving to teach our students the value of time management, punctuality, respect for others, and good citizenship.  We are preparing them for life.  Our society values punctuality.  Parents whose children who are chronically late for school will be contacted by teachers and school administration. 


HRSB School Closures: 

It’s that time of year again when we experience cooler weather and begin to think about those unwelcome winter storms that often disrupt our daily routines, and occasionally even close schools.  The Halifax Regional School Board encompasses a widespread geographic area, so weather conditions can vary considerably.  Sometimes all schools within the School Board are closed due to extreme weather conditions.  At other times only selected schools, or “families of schools”, are closed.  Decisions on school closures and/or bus cancellations are posted on the board’s website at , on Twitter at, recorded on 464-INFO (4636) and communicated to all local radio stations. You can also receive notice of school and bus cancellations by e-mail or text message by following the link on the front page (left side) of the HRSB website. Announcements regarding school closures will be made (as close to 6:00 am as possible) in the morning before school commences.  If school is cancelled after students have arrived at school and classes have begun for the day an announcement will be made before 11:30 am.


Possible  Announcements Pertaining to Park West School
1.     All schools feeding into Halifax West High School or the Halifax West FAMILY of schools is closed. 
2.     All schools in the Halifax Regional School Board are closed.
3.     School buses are not running, but schools are open and it is at the parents’ discretion as to whether or not to send their children to school.  


In the event of extreme weather conditions you are encouraged to use your judgment when it comes to your child coming to school that day.   The safety and well-being of our students is a prime concern.  If a large number of our students are absent on a given day major assessments will be rescheduled and the introduction of new work will be minimal.  You are requested to ensure your children be aware of the arrangements associated with their dismissal when Park West School is cancelled during the day and students must be dismissed early; especially if they are to go to an alternative address or to wait at school to be picked up.   If schools are closed, then EXCEL (all programs) is cancelled.   Students who would normally receive early morning, lunch time, or after school care would be affected.   Also, all school functions and use of school facilities for that date are cancelled as well.   Ultimately, the building is closed.  By now all parents should have returned to their child’s teacher the completed form with information for dismissal in the event of an early closure during the school day.  Teachers need this information so they can dismiss your child according to your wishes.  Please ensure this information is always up-to-date and that your children are familiar with the arrangements. 


We Are Family:  The Halifax Regional School Board believes that each school should be an “environment that values and celebrates diversity and generates acceptance and respect among all members of its school community.”   Part of our school vision is to be more inclusive and to nurture a culture of acceptance.  To do this, we, as a school community, must continue to recognize and value diversity, respect differences, and increase understanding.  We need to know one another. We do not have to necessarily share beliefs and culture, but we can respect the beliefs and traditions of others (our friends and neighbours) and participate TOGETHER in observances and celebrations (such as Eid, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, and Lunar/Chinese New Year).  One of the most treasured characteristics of the Park West community is our diversity.  Let’s celebrate it every chance we get.


Community International Potluck Dinner:  At Park West School we value our diversity and strive to recognize important holidays celebrated by our community, and develop a better understanding of the rich cultures represented at our school.  Most celebrations include food, and involve families and friends eating a special meal together.  We would like to welcome all members of the Park West School community to attend an important community event… we share a meal together to celebrate our rich diversity and special occasions being observed by our families at this time of year.   A Community International Potluck Dinner will be held at Park West School on Thursday, November 29, 5:30 – 7:00 pm.  Please attend and bring your favourite family-size dish to share (enough to feed a family).  Desserts and/or entrees (main dishes) are welcome.  For more information please contact Lynn Anderson (443-1942 or, Farhana Kanth (800-0371 or, or Joseph Attya (


No Child Without:  The Canadian MedicAlert® Foundation is a charitable organization which is the leading provider of emergency medical information services linked to customized medical bracelets and necklaces.  They are pleased to be able to offer MedicAlert memberships to students (from age 4 to their 14th birthday) through the No Child Without® program at Park West School.   The financial support of the Government of Canada and Lions Clubs allows students to receive the MedicAlert membership for FREE.   They are currently active in 224 school boards representing 6046 schools. New schools are enrolling every day!   For more information and to register your child visit


Show Business:  After much consideration we have decided the school musical production will be deferred until next school year, 2013-2014. Due to the addition of 2 new classrooms there is a lack of space to produce a school-wide musical. We are presently offering drama class for grades 5-9 students on Thursday afternoons.  Discussions are taking place for a smaller scale alternative to the musical, such as a coffee house, talent show, etc.  We thank you for your understanding and support.


Happy Diwali:  This past week (Nov. 13) some members of our school community celebrated Diwali (which means “row of lights”).  Diwali is a five day festival and is considered to be the Hindu New Year.  The festival celebrations begin with a cleansing of homes and people, and new clothes are put on.  Many Hindus now send Diwali cards, similar to ones with good wishes sent at Christmas time.  Happy Diwali!  (taken from Celebrate! The History and Folklore of Holidays in Nova Scotia, by Clary Croft).


Christmas Concerts:  Our elementary Christmas concerts will be held on December11 and 12, with a storm date of December 13.  Lord’s-a-leaping?  Swans-a-swimming?  Join our students as they celebrate the season kid-style in this delightful musical revue.  The Twelve Days of Christmas highlights a special treat for each day of the holiday season.  From decorating the tree and faxing a letter to Santa, to caroling and going on a sleighride, there’s something for everyone in this dazzling 45 minute spectacular.  Included in the revue will be musical celebrations of Eid and Hanukkah. We want ALL students and their parents in the Park West Family to participate in this special community event.  Let’s all celebrate our special holidays TOGETHER, regardless of our beliefs and cultural background.  The performance schedule for classes is as follows:


Tuesday, December 11  (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm)
Grades:  primary, two, four, six
*grade 6 students are expected to be committed and participate in both concerts on this date. 
Wednesday, December 12  (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm)
Grades:  one, three, five


Afternoon concerts (1:15 pm) will be general seating on a “first-come” basis (no tickets are required for admittance) for anyone who wishes to attend.  Performing students will each be issued two tickets only for the evening concerts (6:30  pm).  This is necessary to accommodate all parents who wish to see their children perform with their classes. We are working hard to accommodate as many family, friends and community members in our audiences as possible with limited seating capacity in our gymnasium.   Please understand that we must adhere to very strict regulations imposed upon us by the Fire Marshal.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to accommodate and be fair to all.  Unfortunately extra tickets will not be available from the school.  There will be no waiting list this year.  If you would like an extra ticket perhaps a neighbour or friend might kindly pass along an unused one to you.  Tickets will be issued to students on Monday, December 10.   Out of respect for all performers we request audience members to remain for the length of the entire concert (only about one hour). Babysitting services are not provided by the school.   If you wish to bring children to the evening performances tickets will be required for their admission and children will be expected to remain in their seats with parents.  Children will not be permitted to sit on the floor at the front of the stage.  Parking on the school grounds for evening performances will be limited.  Doors will not open for audience members and performing students until 6:00 pm for evening performances.  A free-will collection will be accepted at the door to assist us with concert expenses and support our school’s music program.  See you there!


We Need Important Information from You:  By now all students should have returned to their teachers:  (1) updated registration forms;  (2) Closure of Schools/Early Dismissal forms. 


This & That:

Ø  When we are experiencing inclement weather (i.e. heavy rain or extremely cold temperatures) students will be permitted to enter the school building early through the main doors only after 8:15 am and 12:40 pm.  Students who go home for lunch should not arrive back on the school grounds before 12:40 pm.  For safety and security reasons all exterior doors are kept locked, except for the main doors. 

Ø  Students are able to remain at school for lunch ONLY if they are registered in the program.  Students may not randomly stay at school for lunch at any time if they are not registered.  This includes days when the weather is inclement or parents cannot be at home on a specific day.  

Ø  Students using bicycles, scooters, and skateboards MUST wear helmets.  It’s the law. 

Ø  We must insist that parents refrain from sending birthday cakes, treat bags, etc. to school on their children’s birthdays.   Individual students’ birthdays will not be celebrated in classrooms during the school day.  Teachers are not able to host birthday parties and celebrations for individual students in their classrooms.  These celebrations should happen at home.  What happens in our classrooms is governed by strict guidelines from the N.S. Dept. of Education.  Time has to be dedicated to address curriculum outcomes.  As well, we must also abide by strict Healthy Food in Schools Policy guidelines.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. 


Dates to Remember:

November 21
SAC and PTA Meetings
5:45 and 7 pm
November 28
Junior High Dance  -  $5
6:30 – 8:30 pm
November 29
International Community Pot Luck Dinner  - please plan to attend and bring a family sized dish to share. 
5:30 – 7 pm
November 30
Assessment/Evaluation Day   (no school for students)
December 3
Fine Arts Christmas Concert (band, choir, strings)`
6:30 pm
December 11 & 12
Christmas Concerts (grades P – 6)
1:15 pm and 6:30 pm