Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 27th Newsletter


Park West School Newsletter

Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:  parkwest@hrsb.ns.ca     Website:  parkwest.ednet.ns.ca

 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson    Mr. B. Melanson 


June 27, 2012

End-of-Year Edition

Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at dcarter@hrsb.ns.ca  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 

Farewell: Regrettably, the Park West School community is bidding a fond and sad farewell to many of our staff members.   The following ‘members of our family’ will not be returning in the fall.  We thank them for helping to make a difference here at Park West School.  We wish them well in all their future assignments and endeavours.  We’re going to miss them:  Ms. Casford (art and  phys. ed.)…Ms. Hunter (elem. French)…Mr. Sutherland (phys. ed.)…Mr. Beaulieu (EPA)…Mr. Koerber (EPA)…Ms. Finch (EPA)…Ms. Pelrine (grade 1)…Ms. Caines (grade 1)…Ms. McOnie (grade 4)…Ms. McLean (grade 4)…Mr. Flinn (grade 5)…Ms. McCluskey (grade P)…Mr. Stach (grade 9)….Mr. Beck (jr. high support)...Ms. Bower (music)…and Ms. Daye (grade 1).  Congratulations to Ms. Daye.  She has been appointed the new vice principal at Caudle Park Elementary School in Lower Sackville for the 2012-2013 school year.    

Lunch Supervision Registration:  all students who wish to remain at school over the lunch period next year must be registered for the lunch supervision program for 2012-2013.  Register now.  Registration forms are available from the office.  

Yearbooks:  A few 2011-2012 Park West School Yearbooks are still for sale.  The price of the Yearbook is $25.00 and is available through the school office.  Once these last few are sold this one-of-a-kind book will never be available again.  Get yours now while supplies last!

Assessment and Evaluation Day:  Thursday, June 28 is Assessment and Evaluation Day.  There will be no school for students on that date.  

Last Day of School:  The last day of school will be Friday, June 29.   All students will be dismissed at 10:00 am. 

Final Report Cards:  Final report cards will be issued to students on June 29.  Report cards will not be issued early to any student.  If students are absent on the last day of school parents have several options:

1.  Provide the teacher with a self addressed stamped envelope.  The report card will be mailed on June 29.  

2.  Teachers will forward all unclaimed report cards to the office on June 29 following student dismissal at 10:00 am.  They will be available that day only for parents to pick up in person from the office until 1:00 pm.   After that date and time report cards will not be available to be picked up in person at the school until the last week of August.   School personnel are not available to provide report cards during the summer. 

3.  Parents may provide a teacher with a signed letter of consent authorizing an individual (egs. a sibling, family member, friend) to claim a report card for an absent student on June 29 before 1:00 pm.    Without this letter report cards will not be issued to any person other than the student or parent.  

Late Registration:   The school office will be open for registration on Tuesday, August 28, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.  Children who live within the Park West School boundaries are eligible to attend this school.  If new neighbours with elementary/junior high aged children move into the area over the summer please encourage them to register on this date.  Proof of address, a birth certificate, and a Nova Scotia health card number are required to complete registration. 

Are you in the Right School?  Only children who reside within the Park West School boundaries with parents or legal guardians are eligible to attend this school.   Addresses provided to the school may be investigated if there is suspicion the information is not accurate.  If a child registered at and/or attending Park West School is found to be not residing in our area his/her parents will be directed to register at the appropriate neighbourhood school.   This includes students who were living in our area and moved out of bounds during this school year, but remained at Park West to finish the year. 

Are You Moving?  If your children attended Park West this year, but you’ll be moving away over the summer, please inform us as soon as possible.  We need to know if they won’t be here in September.  Call Ms. Ryan or Ms. Hayes (our office administrators) at 457-7800 or email us at parkwest@staff.ednet.ns.ca

Summer School:  Need another chance to succeed at a course?  Summer School may provide that opportunity.  Junior High students who do not meet the outcomes for Mathematics or Language Arts may be recommended by their teachers to attend summer school.  For more information refer to the Halifax Regional School Board's website www.hrsb.ns.ca

School Supplies:  School supply lists for all grades will be posted on our school website and on the school office window during the summer months.  Please don’t stress if you can’t find specific brands, colours, sizes, etc. requested on the supply lists.  Just do the best you can.  Parents of children in grades primary to two have the option of paying $40 to the school for a package of supplies.   For this option:  place your order now and pay by Sept. 6.   All school supplies in quantities for the entire year do not have to be brought to school on the first day. 

Class Lists:  Due to reasons of privacy and confidentiality we are no longer permitted to publicly post class lists.   Students will be assigned to their new classes when our doors open for a new school year on September 5th. 

Back to School:  Students return to school on Wednesday, September 5th at 8:25 a.m.  Next year we are hoping all students (and their parents) will make it their priority to be on time for school on a regular basis.   

School Photos: School photographs will be taken by our official school photographer, Lifetouch Photography, on September 11 (grades primary to 5) and September 12 (grades six to nine).

Reminder to all School Volunteers:   The HRSB Student Protection Policy is now fully implemented.  All individuals who wish to volunteer in the school on a regular basis must complete Police Records and Child Abuse Registry Checks before being able to do volunteer work in our schools.  Forms will be available from the school office in September.   Previously completed Police Records and Child Abuse Registry Checks are valid for one year.    For more details visit the HRSB website at www.hrsb.ns.ca

For More Information:  For information during the summer months don’t forget to check out:

·          the Halifax Regional School Board website at www.hrsb.ns.ca

·          the Park West School website at www.parkwest.ednet.ns.ca

Office Hours:  The school office will close for the summer months on June 29 at 1:00 pm.   It will re-open with regular hours (8 am – 3:30 pm) for the new school year on September 5th.

We Need Them Back:  Students and parents….please make sure ‘our stuff’ gets returned before the end of the year.  We’re looking for textbooks (they’re expensive!), team uniforms (our athletes need to look good!); and overdue library books (many of them are missing from our shelves!).    PLEASE return them to us before you leave. 

2012-2013 School Year Calendar:  Are you making plans for next year?  Are you planning Christmas vacation?  Do you need to know the dates for March Break?  The HRSB School Year Calendar for 2012-2013 is now available at www.hrsb.ns.ca

School Fees:  Based on feedback we have received from parents and after consultation with our School Advisory Council and Parent-Teacher Association the student fee structure for Park West School has been revised.  The following school fees are suggested for 2012-2013:

Fees cover:

·          Subsidy towards class trips and/or in-class activities (egs. Guest speaker, Mad Science workshop, special craft project)
·          School presentations:  guest speakers and performances (egs. Neptune Theatre, Symphony Nova Scotia, Mermaid Theatre, Terry Kelly)
·          School Activities:  Field Day, Multicultural Festival, etc. 
·          Personalized items:  deskplate, name tags, labels for school supplies, photos for classroom activities.
One – Six

·          Subsidy towards class trips and/or in-class activities (egs. Guest speaker, Mad Science workshop, special craft project).
·          School presentations:  guest speakers and performances (egs. Neptune Theatre, Symphony Nova Scotia, Mermaid Theatre, Terry Kelly)
·          School Activities:  Field Day, Multicultural Festival, etc. 
·          School agenda for each student
Seven – Nine

·          Subsidy towards class trips and/or in-class activities (egs. Guest speaker, Mad Science workshop, special craft project).
·          School presentations:  guest speakers and performances (egs. Neptune Theatre, Symphony Nova Scotia, Mermaid Theatre, Terry Kelly)
·          School Activities:  Field Day, Multicultural Festival, etc. 
·          Combination lock for locker
Athletic Fees

*fee will be according to the team sport
Athletic fees for team members will be determined based on the expenses associated with each sport.  Students chosen to play on school teams will each be responsible to pay the fee to cover these expenses for the team.   Athletic fees will pay for:
·          Referee fees
·          Subsidize transportation expenses
·          School athletic association memberships
·          Venue rental expenses
·          Tournament and event fees
Band Fees

Band fees will be charged to each band student in grades 6 – 9.  Band fees will pay for: 
·          Entrance fees for festivals and events
·          Subsidize transportation expenses
·          Enhancements (eg. special musical arrangements)
·          Guest clinicians or presenters

During the school year our students participate in many extra-curricular activities to enhance learning and their overall school experience.  We promote and provide these learning experiences and opportunities because we believe they are important for intellectual, emotional and social development.  They enhance the learning experience, and are often fun.   Many of these activities can only be provided at an extra cost to the school and our students.  Therefore, we are requesting funds (school fees) from parents to help defray the costs so we can provide these opportunities and experiences for our students.  In most cases student fees will only partially cover the cost associated with certain activities; in particular the class trips in which your child will participate during the course of school year.  School fees will be used to subsidize class trips. Sometimes it will be necessary to charge additional fees to cover the entire cost of trips.  Some classes take more trips than others.  Some trips cost more than others.   Bus charters (even when using Stock Transportation, the school board bus provider) have become extremely expensive.  For instance, to charter one bus to go from our school to the Nova Scotia Museum on Summer Street in Halifax costs approximately $200.  That does not include the fee the museum charges.   We are requesting school and band fees be paid in September by the end of the month, if possible. Athletic fees may be paid throughout the year as team participants are selected.  It is not our intention to cause any of our families undue hardship.   Fees may be paid by cash or cheque.  Please submit fees in an envelope with the name and class of the student.  Receipts will be issued. 

Mr. Carter, Ms. Chiasson, Mr. Melanson, and the entire staff of Park West School thank you for supporting us in our efforts to provide your children with the best educational experience possible.   We’re proud of our students and our school.  We all look forward to working with you again next year.  We wish the families of Park West a summer that is safe, relaxing and filled with lots of fun.   See you on September 5th.