Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19 Newsletter

Park West School Newsletter
Phone:  (902) 457-7800   E-mail:  parkwest@hrsb.ns.ca     Website:  parkwest.ednet.ns.ca
 Principal:  Mr. D. Carter          Vice Principals:  Ms. M. Chiasson    Mr. B. Melanson 
June 19, 2012

Receive the PWS Update electronically!  You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail.  If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at dcarter@hrsb.ns.ca  The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks. 

Business As Usual at Park West:  The last day of school is June 29.  On that day students will receive their report cards and be dismissed early (during the morning).  June 28 is an Assessment and Evaluation Day, so students will not attend school on that day.  Otherwise, classes will continue as usual right up until the last day.  Students in ALL grades (including junior high) will be expected to be in attendance as learning occurs and subject outcomes are addressed.   A school year in Nova Scotia consists of 195 days.  We intend to take advantage of this valuable time by providing meaningful learning opportunities for our students.  We do not ‘shut down’ early.  Students will not be told by teachers to stay home because ‘nothing will be going on’; nor will teachers suggest that students stay home.   If students are to be absent for all or part of a day parents are asked to report the absence on our Safe Arrival line (457-7800 – press 1) before the absence occurs.  Parents:  please support and assist us as we strive to provide your children with the best educational experience possible by ensuring they are here. 

Grade 9 Exams this week:  Park West School will be conducting exams for all grade nine students on June 20 and 21 for the following subjects:  English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.  The exams will be cumulative assessments (covering learning that has occurred since the beginning of this school year).   The schedule is as follows:

June 20
English  Language Arts exam
Science exam
June 21
Mathematics exam
Social Studies exam

Each exam will be two hours in length. Students will be expected to arrive at school in the morning at the usual time of 8:25 am. They will be dismissed for lunch at the usual time of 11:35 am.  Exams will be written in the afternoon between 12:50 and 3:00 pm.   Grade 9 students will be dismissed at regular times regardless of when they finish writing their exams.   ALL students will be expected to be present to write the exams. There will be no exemptions, with some exceptions in special circumstances, as deemed acceptable by school personnel and HRSB.  Students who are absent from an exam session due to illness must provide the principal with a doctor’s note.  June 25 is a ‘make up’ day for any student who has missed an exam/exams.   The exam mark will comprise 10% of the third term mark.  Textbooks will not be permitted in the exam rooms.  Students will not be permitted to share materials (pencils, pens, erasers, calculators, etc.) during exams; each student will need his/her own materials.  Following the exams the school year continues until June 29 for our grade nine students.  More teaching, learning and further assessment will continue as usual during that time.  We will not be ‘slacking off’…nor should they!  We expect them to be in school. We will not be suggesting to our students they stay home because “we won’t be doing anything’.   Any questions or comments regarding the exams may be directed to any of the grade nine teachers or Mr. Carter, the principal.

Honouring Our Volunteers:  Park West School will be honouring our many volunteers with a special celebration on June 26, 3 – 4 pm, in the library.   This is an opportunity for the Park West School community to get together to honour and appreciate the many parents and community members who support us with their time, skills and talents.  Refreshments will be served.   If you have volunteered at our school in any capacity this year you are invited to attend. 

School Supplies:  School supply lists for each grade level will be posted on the windows at the front of the school, and available on the school website: http://www.parkwest.ednet.ns.ca/ during the summer months.    Parents of students who will be in grades primary, one and two have the option of paying $40 for a package of school supplies to be provided by the school.   If you choose this option payment (cash or cheque) must be received at the school by Tuesday, June 26.  This option will not be offered again in September.  If you are sending in your payment please include your child’s first and last names and the grade for September 2012. 

PTA Family Barbeque and Busker Festival:  Everyone is invited!  Come out to our family barbeque and busker festival on Thursday, June 21, at 5:30 – 7:30 pm.   Hamburgers, hot dogs, water, ice cream, and popcorn will be available for $1 each.  Live entertainment will be provided by magician Patrick Drake, balloon tying by Gerry Cameron, and featuring the busking talents of our very own PWS junior high students.  There will be fire truck and ambulance tours, free face painting and nail art, a basket raffle, and a 50/50 draw.  Wear your button and get a free freezie!  Park West school clothing (t-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, etc.) will be on sale and printed while you wait.   Bring your friends and neighbours to this fun community event. 

Field Day:  On Friday, June 22n  Park West School is hosting a Field Day for our elementary students (rain date: Monday, June 25th).  Students will participate in 12 fun stations, such as the Kangaroo Race, the Caterpillar Race, the Spoon Relay, Parachute, and many more.  To ensure your child enjoys the day there are a few things to consider:  hat...sunscreen…healthy snack…water bottle (labelled with child’s name)…running shoes are best (no flip flops or Crocks)…shorts, jogging pants, track pants, etc….sweatshirt.   Friday is also “Canadiana Day”.  We’re asking all students and staff to show pride in our country by dressing in the colours of Canada in honour of Canada Day on July 1st. 

Grade 9 Farewell Celebrations:  The Halifax Regional School Board strongly discourages graduation ceremonies and proms at the junior high level.  Most junior high schools do not conduct graduation ceremonies or formal proms.  Those events are reserved for high schools. At Park West we will be celebrating this milestone for our grade nine students who will be leaving us at the end of this school year for high school.  A “Grade 9 Farewell Celebration” is being planned for our departing students on June 25.  Students should meet at the school at 4:30 pm and will be transported by school bus downtown for dinner at Niche Restaurants (there will be 4 entrées to choose from) and an evening cruise on the Harbour Queen.  We will return to the school at approximately 8:45 pm.  Tickets for this event are only $20 each, and available from Mr. Beattie.  The cost is being subsidized with students fees and funds from our PTA.    This event is only open to grade nine students attending Park West School.    A “Grade 9 Farewell Assembly” will be held on June 27, 2:15 – 3:00pm, at the school.  Students and their families are invited to this informal event.  No tickets are required to attend. 

Free Tickets:  We’ve been given some free tickets to the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo for the Thursday, July 5, 7:30 pm, performance.   If you would like to have your name entered into a draw for a free pair of tickets to this performance please email Mr. Carter (dcarter@hrsb.ns.ca), with  “free tickets’ in the subject line.  In the email include your name and phone number.   Tickets will be drawn for on Monday, June 25 at noon. 

We Need OUR STUFF Back:  Students and parents….please make sure ‘our stuff’ gets returned before the end of the year.  We’re looking for textbooks (Especially from Junior High students.  They’re expensive!  The average textbook costs the school $85 each.  Many of our textbooks are missing.  We cannot afford to replace them all.), team uniforms (our athletes need to look good!); and overdue library books (many are missing from our shelves!).    Please return them to us before you leave for the summer. 

Final Report Cards:  June report cards will be issued to students on June 29 (the last day of school this year).  Report cards will not be issued early to any student.  If students are absent on the last day of school parents have several options:
1.  Provide the teacher with a self addressed stamped envelope for the student.  The report card will be mailed on June 29.  
2.  Teachers will forward all unclaimed report cards to the office on June 29 following student dismissal.  They will be available that day ONLY for parents to pick up in person from the office until 1:00 pm.   After that date and time report cards will not be available to be picked up in person at the school until the last week of August.   School personnel are not available to provide report cards during the summer. 
3.  Parents may provide a teacher with a signed letter of consent authorizing an individual (egs. a sibling, family member, friend) to claim a report card for an absent student on June 29 before 1:00 pm.    Without this letter report cards will NOT be issued to any person other than the student or parent

Late Registration:   The school office will be open for late registration on Tuesday, August 28, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.  Children who live within the Park West School boundaries are eligible to attend this school.  If new neighbours with elementary/junior high aged children move into the area over the summer please encourage them to register on this date.  Proof of address, a birth certificate, and a Nova Scotia health card number are required to complete registration. 

Are You in the Right School?  Only children who reside within the Park West School boundaries with parents or legal guardians are eligible to attend this school.   Addresses provided to the school may be investigated if there is suspicion the information is not accurate.  If a child registered at and/or attending Park West School is found to be not residing in our area his/her parents will be directed to register at the appropriate neighbourhood school.   This includes students who were living in our area and moved out of bounds during this school year, but remained at Park West to finish the year. 

Are You Moving?  If your children presently attend Park West and you will be moving away over the summer, please inform us as soon as possible.  We need to know if they won’t be here in September. 

Summer School:  Need another chance to succeed at a course?  Summer School may provide that opportunity.  Junior High students who do not meet the outcomes for Mathematics or Language Arts may be recommended by their teachers to attend summer school.  For more information refer to the Halifax Regional School Board's website http://www.blogger.com/2006-2007/www.hrsb.ns.ca

Reminder to all School Volunteers:   The HRSB Student Protection Policy is now fully implemented.  All individuals who wish to volunteer in the school (including chaperoning class trips) must complete Police Records and Child Abuse Registry Checks before being able to do volunteer work in our schools.  For more details visit the HRSB website at www.hrsb.ns.ca   This is something you may wish to do in preparation for the new school year. 

A Reminder from HRM Police:  All parks in the Halifax Regional Municipality close at 10:00 p.m. every night and do not reopen until 5:00 a.m. If you are found in the parks after hours you can be charged under the Protection of Property Act (PPA). The fine for being in the park after 10 p.m. is $227.41. Also, the fine for underage drinking is $457.41 and the fine for illegally possessing alcohol is $457.41. Please keep this in mind and have a safe summer.

Is Something Missing From Your Life?:  Please check out our extensive “lost & found” collection.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charity after June 29.

Dates to Remember:  JUNE

Grade 9 Exams (ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science)
All day
PTA Family Barbeque and  Busker Festival
5:30 – 7:30 pm
“Canadiana Day” – everyone at Park West dresses in the colours of Canada in honour of Canada Day on July 1st.

Elementary Field Day

Grade 9 “Farewell” Celebration (boat cruise and dinner)    Tickets:  $20
4:30 – 8:45 pm
Junior High “Poetry Slam”   - you’re invited to attend
10 – 11:30 am
Volunteer Celebration
3 – 4 pm
Grade 9 “Farewell” Assembly    - you’re invited to attend
2:15 – 3 pm
Assessment and Evaluation Day  - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Last Day of school.  Students will be dismissed early.