Phone: (902) 457-7800 E-mail: Website:
Acting Principal: T. Schaus Vice Principal: M. Chiasson Vice Principal: B. Melanson
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January 13, 2012
Happy New Year!
Staffing Changes:
We welcome back staff members, Tammy Riddell and Valerie Allen as well as Tim Schaus as acting principal until mid-February.
School Cancellations:
The Halifax Regional School Board encompasses a widespread geographic area, so weather conditions can vary considerably. Sometimes all schools within the School Board are closed due to extreme weather conditions. At other times only selected schools, or “families of schools”, are closed. The best ways for you to determine if Park West School is closed are: listen to local radio station broadcasts, check the Halifax Regional School Board website (, call the HRSB school cancellation line (464-INFO/4636), or follow HRSB on Official. Announcements regarding school closures will be made (as close to 6:00 am as possible) in the morning before school commences.
Sometimes schools are closed in the middle of the morning, after students have arrived and classes have begun for the day. When this happens an announcement will be made around 11:00 am on local radio stations, the HRSB website, and the HRSB school cancellation line.
Mid-Morning School Closure and Dismissal:
Elementary (P-6) teachers will make direct contact with a parent/guardian of each student in their class before the child is dismissed from the school. In September, parents/guardians of elementary students provided the school with contact numbers to call in the event of an early dismissal and directions for the student’s dismissal after the call. If this information has changed, please provide the homeroom teacher with the new information. If you have more than one child in elementary grades at the school, teachers will plan to coordinate the calls so that only one call per family is made.
Junior High Teachers (Grades 7-9) will check that each student in their homeroom class has a place to go once they leave the school. They will allow students to phone home if they wish prior to being dismissed. If you would like to be contacted by the homeroom teacher prior to your junior high student being dismissed, please email the homeroom teacher with this request and your contact numbers.
Extreme Weather Conditions:
If the weather looks questionable and there appears to be a chance that school might be cancelled mid-morning, please listen to the radio, check the HRSB website, or school cancellation line. Please ensure your children are aware of the arrangements associated with their dismissal when Park West School is cancelled during the day and students must be dismissed early; especially if they are to go to an alternative address or to wait at school to be picked up.
In the event of extreme weather conditions you are encouraged to use your judgment when it comes to sending your child to school that day. The safety and well-being of our students is our first concern. If a large number of our students are absent on a given day, major assessments and testing will be rescheduled and the introduction of new work will be minimal.
A Canadian Winter:
The Halifax Regional School Board does not have an official policy on wind chill/cold weather with regards to students being sent outside for recess and lunch breaks, or whether or not students are kept outside in the morning prior to the first bell. However, schools are provided with information to assist them in making decisions at individual school sites. Generally speaking, when the temperature reaches -10 C or below we assess the appropriateness of sending children outside. We also consider wind chill factors. Wind chill is the cooling sensation caused by the combined effect of temperature and wind. Environment Canada advises there is an “increased risk” of frostbite and hypothermia with a wind chill below – 27 C. School administration consults the Environment Canada weather website frequently and uses common sense in determining whether or not students should be outside on a given day. We also consider the length of time students will be outside, their activity level (heat generation), and exposure to wind and sun (the sun does have a warming affect, even during the winter months). Whenever possible we do like to see our students being given the opportunity to get outside at some point during the day to get some exercise, fresh air, and have the opportunity to socialize with friends, rather than being confined to their classrooms for extended periods of time. Student safety, health, and well-being are always paramount. Parents are encouraged to dress their children appropriately for the weather and possible outdoor play, just as they would at home.
Superintendent’s Annual Report:
On November 30, Carole Olsen, Superintendent of the Halifax Regional School Board, released her Annual Report for the 2010-2011 school year. A printed copy for parents and guardians was recently sent home with your child. If you did not receive the report, you can find an electronic copy on the school board website at or please contact the school office and we will make arrangements for you to receive a copy.
PEBS (Positive Effective Behaviour System):
Below is the Park West Code of Conduct which all students and adults in the building follow and actively promote. Students have many opportunities to earn gems for showing behaviour found in the matrix. Adults are actively seeking, focusing and supporting these positive behaviours.
Wherever we are, we are respectful, responsible, ready to learn and reaching for our best!
We will… We will… | |
be inclusive | come to school prepared and on time |
use active listening | follow safety rules and emergency procedures |
follow adult directions | practice active learning |
value personal space | support others |
show consideration for our property and the property of others | be aware of how our words and actions affect others |
promote a clean, green environment | own our choices |
News from the Phys-Ed Dept:
The new Junior High hockey schedule is effective now. Please check the school website for schedules:
News from the Music Dept:
“Annie” rehearsals are underway with regular practices Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15 - 4:30 pm. Please remember to check the school website for schedules and remember to bring snacks to rehearsals.
Dates to Remember:
January | ||
18 | SAC 5:45pm | |
18 | PTA 7:00pm | |
31 | Stadacona Band Concert at Park West – 10:30 am (P – Gr. 4); 1:15 pm (grades 5 – 9) | |
February | ||
6 | Gr. 9 Parent Information meeting at | |
7 | Gr 7 Immunization Clinic | |
17 | PD day- no classes for students |