Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25th Newsletter

Park West School Newsletter
Phone: (902) 457-7800 E-mail: Website:
Principal: Mr. D. Carter Vice Principals: Ms. M. Chiasson, Mr. B. Melanson

November 25, 2011

Receive the PWS Update electronically! You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail. If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks.

Christmas Concerts: Our elementary Christmas concerts will be held on December 6th and 7th. This year’s theme is Paint the Town December. Students are now working hard rehearsing. Dress rehearsals will be held in the morning for students. There will be two presentations of each concert:
• Afternoon Concerts (1:15 pm) will be general seating on a “first-come” basis (no tickets are required for admittance) for anyone who wishes to attend. This is a good opportunity for family, friends, and community members to enjoy the concerts.
• Evening Concerts (6:30 pm) require tickets for admittance. Each performing student will be issued two tickets. We are working hard to accommodate as many family, friends and community members in our audiences as possible with limited seating capacity in our gym. Please understand that we must adhere to very strict regulations imposed upon us by the Fire Marshal. A waiting list will be compiled for those wishing extra tickets. Please return tickets you are not using so they can be redistributed.
Out of respect for all performers we request audience members to remain for the length of the entire concert (about one hour). If you wish to bring children to the evening performances, tickets will be required for their admission and children will be expected to remain in their seats with parents.

Doors will be open for audience members and performing students at 6:00 pm for evening performances. A free-will collection will be accepted at the door.

We are pre-selling professionally videotaped DVD’s of both concerts. These make ideal gifts for this time of the year. Order forms are available on the school website. During the taping we are asking audience members to refrain from using flash cameras as this affects the quality of the taping. The performance schedule for classes is as follows:

Tuesday, December 6 (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm) Grades 1,3,5
Wednesday, December 7 (1:15 pm and 6:30 pm) Grades P,2,4,6

International Human Rights Day Celebration
Park West is hosting an International Human Rights Day Celebration organized by Partners for Human Rights. This celebration recognizes 25 yrs of Partnership for Human Rights: Raising Awareness through Education in our Communities. The School community is invited to participate in this celebration being held on Friday, December 9th in the school gym (Harmony breakfast 8-9am and Celebration 9-12).
Park West students will be involved in various performances throughout the morning promoting awareness and diversity.

Acting Principal
Mr. Carter will be away from the school until the Christmas break. Mr. Tim Schaus will be filling in for him as acting principal. He will be answering messages left on Mr. Carter’s phone line (ext 5271001). Mr. Schaus’ email address is:

Dates to Remember:
26 Choir singing at Dartmouth Crossing 2:00 pm
28 Assessment and Evaluation Day – (no school for students) All day
30 Fine Arts Concert – Choir, Strings, Band 6:30 pm
6 Christmas Concert, Grades 1, 3, 5 1:15 and 6:30 pm
7 Christmas Concert, Grades primary, 2, 4, 6 1:15 and 6:30 pm
8 Report Cards go home
9 International Human Rights Celebration 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
13 Grade 9 Entrepreneur Day
16 School Christmas Assembly – wear Red and Green!
Last Day of Classes for Christmas Break
3 First Day of Classes after Christmas Break