Friday, March 8, 2013

"Child Anxiety": What Parents Can Do



 "Child Anxiety: What Parents Can Do

An Introduction to Anxiety & Parenting Strategies"


Dear Parents and Guardians,


          We are privileged to be able to bring Dr. Daniel Chorney, registered psychologist, to our school community to speak about the issue of anxiety and how it affects the lives of children and their families.


Dr. Chorney will speak for approximately one hour then answer general questions on child anxiety. The title of his talk is “Child Anxiety: What Parents Can Do - Introduction to Anxiety & Parenting Strategies"


Some of the topics covered in the talk will be:


1)    understanding the difference between normal developmental fears and clinical anxiety (including early identification of anxiety)

2)    evidence-based treatment strategies parents can use at home for children with mild anxiety

3)    resources in the community that parents can utilize if they are looking for further help or questions regarding anxiety


This event is taking place:


Thursday April 4th, 7 pm

 Rockingham School Library

31 Tremont Drive


Please help us plan for numbers by completing the information below:


Parent Name:                                        Your Child’s  School:





This event is brought to you by the SAC of Rockingham School