Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grade 6 Band Notice

September 10, 2012

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to the band program at Park West. Band for grade 6 will be held on
Mondays from 2:00-3:00 and on Wednesdays at lunch.  Students should bring a lunch
on Wednesdays and come to the music room. Monday’s class is held on the stage and
students should bring their end of day materials.
The first band class this year will be on Wednesday September 12th    
at lunch.   It
is important that students attend class even if they do not have their instrument yet.
Although I do review material regularly, there is a lot of new information covered each
class especially in the first few weeks.
Students require a band instrument and a Standard of Excellence Book 1 for
their instrument.  Both of these should be labeled with their name, school and phone
  Clarinet and Saxophone players should have four number 2 1/2 strength reeds.
These will need to be replenished throughout the year.  Trumpet. Baritone and Tuba
must have valve oil and tuning slide cream. Trombones  require tuning slide cream and a
trombone water bottle. Percussionists need a practice pad, practice bells, drumsticks and
mallets. Students must also have cleaning supplies for their specific instrument. Long
and McQuade have quality student model instruments that can be rented at a reasonable
price. They also carry the music books and other supplies needed.  Please avoid buying
instruments from department stores. Though these instruments are less expensive, they
are not of the same quality that you will find at the music stores and often require
frequent repair.
 I have a number of new books which you can purchase from me for 7.00. All
proceeds will go directly to the ParkWest Band Program. If you would like one please
email me at and tell me which instrument you play.
In order to be successful in band it is essential that students practice their
instruments regularly to reinforce materials learned in class.  Students who do not
practice tend to fall behind and get discouraged. Practicing 20 minutes 5 times weekly is
recommended! Please encourage your child to play for you.  You’ll be amazed at how
quickly initial squeaks become recognizable songs! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at  

V Wilson