Sunday, July 1, 2012

Grade 8 School Supply List

School Supply List     2012-2013
Grade:  Eight (8)

To assist you in purchasing school supplies for your child we have prepared this list of materials
for your consideration:
3 Binder (1.5 inches)
*Binders larger than 2 inches and zipper binders are too large and bulky
 Loose leaf (800 sheets)
40 Pencils
20  Pens (blue or black ink)
1 30 cm ruler
2 Erasers
1 Scissors
1  Personal pencil sharpener
1 Calculator (basic) – with exponent and square root functions
1 Pencil case or plastic storage box (labelled with student’s name)
1 Pkg. coloured pencils (Laurentian recommended)
1 Glue stick (large)
5 Duotangs
1 French/English dictionary
2 Pkg. dividers
10 Clean plastic page protectors

Optional/Suggested Items:

Small stapler with staples

*Note:  It is not necessary to provide quantities of requested items for the entire
school year on the first day of school.