Phone: (902) 457-7800 E-mail: Website:
Principal: Mr. D. Carter Vice Principals: Ms. M. Chiasson Mr. B. Melanson
April 18, 2012
Receive the PWS Update electronically! You can receive the PWS Update electronically via e-mail. If you wish to be among the first to receive the latest editions of our school newsletters by having it sent to your e-mail address simply e-mail your request to Mr. Carter at The PWS Update is published approximately every two weeks.
Let’s Talk About Student Progress: Parents and Teachers will meet to discuss student progress on Thursday, April 26, (1:00-3:00 pm and 5:30-7:30 pm). There will be no classes for our students that afternoon. They will be dismissed for the day at 11:35 am. Teachers, including specialists (French, music/band, resource, phys. ed., guidance, learning centre, ESL, etc.), will be available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress. Elementary teachers will meet in their classrooms with parents by appointment. Parents of elementary students have been asked to request appointment times with their child’s teacher. Confirmation of appointment times will be sent home to parents. Some elementary teachers have chosen to conduct Student Led Conferences. Junior High teachers will meet with parents in the gymnasium on a first-come/first-served basis. Jr. High parents are encouraged to take advantage of the availability of afternoon meeting times when possible, as the evening tends to be busier. To accommodate all parents most appointments will be for ten minutes each. If more time is required to discuss your child’s progress then a longer appointment can be made for another time. We look forward to seeing you.
8:25 That’s the time school starts in the morning. STILL….too many of our students are arriving late for school. Our Students Need to be Here ON TIME! Being late for school without a valid excuse is unacceptable here at Park West. When students arrive late for school (either in the morning or after lunch) they are disrupting school and classroom routines, missing out on receiving classroom instruction and important information. Arriving on time allows them the opportunity to prepare for learning (getting their materials organized, removing outdoor wear, going to lockers, etc.). Entrance bells ring at 8:25 am and 12:50 pm. Students should be on school grounds and ready to enter the building at those times. We are striving to teach our students the value of time management, punctuality, respect for others, and good citizenship. We are preparing them for life. Our society values punctuality. We need them to be here ON TIME…..and we need your help to make this happen. Parents….PLEASE assist us!
Safety First: We are working together to make our school grounds safer for our students…safer for everyone. We are in the process of developing some new school ground safety guidelines for pedestrians and drivers. In the meantime we expect these guidelines to be followed on Park West School property:
· Parents and students who walk on the grounds must use the sidewalks and crosswalks. Some walkers are still creating unsafe conditions by crossing our driveway at unmarked places and walking through the parking lot amongst cars. We are asking parents and adults to provide an example for their children.
· If it is necessary for you to drive your vehicle on the school grounds to drop off or pick up your children ALL VEHICLES must ONLY use the traffic loop. There is no parking in the loop; only brief stopping. Only drop off and pick at curbside, not in the middle of the road. Do not use the staff parking lot for this purpose. You are encouraged to pick up and drop off your students at curbside on Langbrae Drive .
· Visitor parking is provided in only ONE LOCATION; on the paved area on the left hand side of the building. Please do not park in the staff parking lot unless you are authorized to park in one of two handicap spots.
· No vehicles should be entering the staff parking lot with the exception of vehicles officially authorized parking in the handicap parking spots.
· All vehicular traffic must not exceed the posted speed limit of 5 km / hour.
Is Something Missing From Your Life?: Is your son or daughter missing boots, sneakers, a GAP hoodie, a ball cap, an umbrella, a lunch bag, Tupperware, spoons, gloves, pants………? We have a mountain of lost & found items here at the school. Everything is on display in our “lost & found” area in the main lobby. Feel free to drop by to take a look for yourself. You might be amazed by the ‘lost treasures’ you’ll find. Whatever is left over after April 26 (Parent-Teacher Day) will be donated to charity.
Grade 9 Quebec City Trip: The final payment for the grade 9 trip is due on April 19. By that date the full amount ($860.00) should be paid in full. Account statements for each student (indicating credits and balance owing) have been sent home. Plans are well underway for this exciting excursion. An information meeting for student participants and their parents, with all the final details, will be held on May 16 at 8 pm. Please contact Mr. Carter if you have any questions or concerns.
EXCEL Registration Information for 2012-2013: Families who are interested in participating in next year’s EXCEL Child Care before & after school programs are encouraged to mark the following important dates on your calendars:
Ø April 30th Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on April 30th current participants of the 2011/2012 EXCEL program may submit an application for the coming school year via the online application system or by email. Current participants will receive a letter in mid-April identifying a user name and password providing them exclusive access to the online application system.
Ø May 7th General Registration begins for all EXCEL Before & After school programs at 8:00 a.m. on May 7th. Applications may be submitted via the online system,, or brought to the EXCEL office at 25 Alfred Street , Dartmouth ..
Limited Edition PWS Yearbook NOW ON SALE!: Only one book captures this year’s incredible events and experiences at Park West School…….the 2011-2012 Yearbook. Our professionally produced Yearbook includes all students and all grade levels (primary to nine). Preserve your child’s memories for the 2011-2012 school year at Park West by purchasing a Yearbook for only $25 (cash or cheque). All orders are due by April 21. Only a limited quantity will be produced, so don’t forget to place your order before the deadline. You may also order by dropping by our school office (Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm).
Safe Arrivals Needs Your Help! Each morning, a group of office staff and parent volunteers work together to account for the safe arrivals of all students at Park West. We collect attendance from classes, write late slips and process voicemail messages from the Safe Arrival Absence line. There is one step in this process that we are unable to complete satisfactorily due to a lack of volunteer help; that is ensure that every single student is accounted for each morning. We need the help of parent volunteers for just one hour each morning to help call parents or guardians if we do not know why a student has not made it to school. Sometimes it can be something innocent like a parent forgot to call in that her/his child is home sick. Our fear is that there will be a time when a student leaves home but doesn't make it into school for some unknown reason and that is where Safe Arrival can be a valuable service. We can respond quickly and decisively if there is a problem and that is a comfort we would all wish to have. Won't you help us with this? We need just one extra volunteer each day for for one hour beginning at 8:45 a.m. If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please contact Monica Geske, PTA Secretary, at 454-8389 or Thank you.
Checkmate: The Nova Scotia School Team Chess Championship sponsored by the Nova Scotia School Chess Association was held on Sunday, April 1 at Mount Saint Vincent University . Park West School was represented by a junior high team as well as an elementary squad. The junior high team of Janie Z., Faris K., Jeremy P., and Brian P. placed first in the junior high division among the three schools competing. Our elementary team comprised of Dulhan N., David L., Simon S. and Zach O. placed second among the three schools competing at their level. All 8 team members were excellent ambassadors on behalf of Park West School . Congratulations! A big thank you to our teachers (Ms. Hunter, Mr. Stach and Mr. Cunningham) for volunteering their time to provide this extra-curricular activity for our students. The chess team meets every Wednesday at noon in Mr. Stach’s classroom.
The Hills Are Alive….. Our school choir, under the direction of Ms. Servant (our music teacher), will be competing in the Halifax Kiwanis Music Festival at the Dalhousie Arts Centre on the morning of April 23. Ms. Chiasson (one of our vice principals) will be accompanying them on piano. We wish them well and know they will proudly represent Park West. A big thank you to Ms. Servant for providing this extra-curricular experience for Park West students.
Come to the Fair: The Spring Scholastic Book Fair will run from Tuesday, April 24 - Thursday, April 26 in our school library. It will be open during parent-teacher interview times (afternoon and evening) on April 26. If any parent/guardian is interested in volunteering to help with the book fair please contact Ms. Comeau at 457-7800 ext 5271039. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. The Scholastic Book Fairs are our most important library fundraiser of the year. Because of your support, we are able to put quality books on our library shelves. Please consider dropping by the Book Fair to purchase a book or two. You will be encouraging your children to read and supporting our school library.
That’s a LOT of Pennies!!! Park West had another successful Pennies for Books Campaign during the month of February. We raised over $1000 in pennies to be used to purchase books for the school library. Mrs. Crummer's grade three class raised the most money and Mr. Stach's grade nine class raised the second largest amount. Both these classes won a pizza party for their efforts and support. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the campaign.
Family Bingo Night! Our PTA is hosting another Family Bingo on May 10th (6 – 8:30 pm). Bingo cards will be $5 per 10 game package. There will be a 50/50 draw. Ice cream treats will be sold for $1.00. There are lots of great prizes to be won. Come on out to this fun family community event and support our PTA. All children attending MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Broadway Comes to Park West: Park West School students, staff and PTA are presenting the musical Annie on May 2 and 3 at 6:30 pm in our cafetorium. Over 80 students and lots of staff and parents are involved in this exciting production. Tickets are $5 and available from the school office beginning on Friday. Seats are limited.
Dates to Remember:
April | ||
18 | SAC and PTA meetings | 5:45 / 7:00 pm |
19 | Last payment for Grade 9 Trip due | |
20 | School Spirit Day – “Crazy Hat Day” *Students and staff are encouraged to wear a favourite or outrageous hat to school. Be creative and decorate one! | |
24-26 | Book Fair (library) Open every day and on the evening of April 26 | |
26 | Parent-Teacher Conference Day to discuss student progress. Early Dismissal for students at 11:35 am/no school in the afternoon. | 1-3 pm / 5:30-7:30 pm |