Sunday, February 19, 2012

Traffic Notice

Notice to Parents
February 16, 2012

            The police visited the school this morning. The police received information from the Halifax Fire Service that the Park West School driveway is a designated fire lane with No Parking signs. The police indicated that they will be ticketing cars that are parked in designated fire lanes or stopped in No Stopping Zones that are signed.

Below is a notice from the Halifax Regional Police explaining No Parking and No Stopping Zones.

Parking Concerns
Affect Children’s Safety

In order to protect our children as they go to and from Park West School,
Halifax Regional Police is issuing a reminder about traffic safety.

No Stopping/No Parking Zones
A number of no stopping and no parking signs are in place in the area directly in front of the school.

Do not stop your vehicle in this area, even if dropping off or picking up little ones even for a moment, unless to stop for the crossing guard or to avoid an accident.

Do not park your vehicle in this area, even if your vehicle is occupied. You may stop your vehicle in this area briefly to load/unload passengers, but please ensure your vehicle is pulled off the road completely and is not blocking the roadway.

Unfortunately, not everyone is complying with this signage. As a result, our children’s safety is comprised and their lives are put in danger. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, the fine for stopping or parking where prohibited by sign is $58.62 for the first offence and increases with subsequent offences.

Halifax Regional Police will be monitoring the area and conducting enforcement in relation to these traffic safety concerns. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring our children’s safety.

For further information contact:
Constable Melanie Ross
School Response Officer
Halifax Regional Police

Halifax Regional Police
Leading and Partnering in our Community to Serve and Protect